Saturday, 26 July 2014


Goodbyes, as they're called leave me wondering, always. I often sit back and wonder what is the "Good" part in it. The sadness that takes over you when you bid the so called good-bye to someone or something, that uncanny feeling takes all over us. The light around us vanishes and all we could feel is darkness. The numb feeling freezes all our sensations. There was this quote which often attracted me some years back, "Why is that when we always say goodnight it feels like the final goodbye, like I'd never get to feel the same way ever?"
At times, I just feel like separation with someone or something feels like we were two clocks, we had the same time but the latter was just some seconds behind, we were never in unison. There are those situations when we just have to leave, we don't really have any option left. And often we get replaced. Are we like the worn out socks or the broken glasses that we get replaced. But what about the gap, the hole which is created when such a situation knocks at our doors? Separation often isn't temporary and our soul is the one which has to pay the price.
Goodbyes aren't always bid to people. Often they are but not always. We tend to drift apart from people leaving a track full of regrets which we often walk on, all over again. But what about the silent goodbyes to other things?
The goodbye to those wonderful, dreamy characters when you close a good book. The last look you give to a place where you've lived all your life, the sadness you feel when you're moving out. Saying goodbye to your favourite box of sweets when it finishes. The goodbye you say to a thing you've been attached to. A goodbye to a pet, a goodbye to your favourite pictures just because those memories haunt you or the goodbye to the older versions of people you loved who changed all of a sudden.
Parting is such a sweet sorrow. And probably, the sweet part is often shadowed by the darkness that surrounds us. The emptiness lurking in the chambers deep in our hearts is what kills the good part in a goodbye. Maybe just to give our silly hearts a pinch of hope, it's called a goodbye or else the rhythm of our heartbeats would start playing a sad ballad and we'd find melancholy in everything we do, in everything we feel.
Now I probably know what someone meant, "To say goodbye is to die a little." And a part of us is always stuck with that thing, place or person once you decide to drift apart, once to you say *Good-Bye* to them. Goodbyes do hurt, they hurt every now and then. They might make us stronger but they are what break every piece of us. The memories stay forever, just the time changes. Everything stays the same in our memory, intact
Goodbyes are unavoidable, they are a necessary evil, a parasite that eats up on all the goodness inside and leaves darkness.

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