Tuesday 15 April 2014

My Last Wish

The pain was taking over me. I lay in a pool of blood, red was all around. The color of love, red was actually being the color of my death, my end. I had met with an accident, a bad accident. Just like any dying soul, bearing the pain, all I wanted was one last wish. 
All I wanted was to tell him how much he meant to me. In this whole world, all I had was him. Mom and dad had already left me some years back. My life revolved around him, he was my best friend. He was always there for me when I needed him, but I failed everytime in expressing my love for him. I waited for the right moment, and now I realise, it is never gonna come. I wished to go back in time, I wished to see him just once, just once before my soul leaves my body. But I know it was too late now. A line from my favorite book, *The Fault In Our Stars* was revolving in my mind, "The world is not a wish granting factory." And my wish was left incomplete. Lying in the pool of blood, I remembered him and our moments, because they all would be left as memories for him. I'd vanish like water droplets on road. Leaving this world was not sad, this physical pain was not much, as compared to the emotional heartbreak of leaving him, and that too, forever. But I had to. Everybody has their own time here, you couldn't recharge it with extra credits, and mine was over. We all want more from this life, we can never even imagine when it can end. And now I was regretting words which I never said. I should be mourning over why I am dying so young, rather I was thinking about, how would he continue his life without me. The thoughts echoing inside my head were much painful than the physical pain. And suddenly everything went blank. _______________________________ I opened my eyes. I couldn't move, I was in pain. Where was I? Wasn't I suppose to be dead? And then I saw him. He was holding my hand and he had kept his head near my hand. I tried to move my hand a bit, and he realised I was up. I could see tears in his eyes. As soon as his eyes met mine, I smiled. I couldn't get up. 
He came closer to me and said, "You don't get to walk away from me. I love you so much, since a long time. And you never gave me a chance to say that. You scared the hell out of me. Can't you see how much I love you? Dare you leave me once more. Listen, You don't get to walk away leaving me alone here. I love you and I am gonna take care of you now, I am not gonna let you go, ever. Marry me, Amanat? Will you?"
Tears were flowing out of his brown eyes. He spoke the words I had kept hidden, buried in the chambers of my heart from such a long time. I was in tears, I nodded my head in affirmation. "I have always loved you, Harsh. I will marry you." And Harsh planted a peck on my cheek. 

This world may not be a wish granting factory, but I was lucky enough to have more time, so I could have Harsh and his love. My last wish, was fulfilled. Now, I know, when death would come, I can die peacefully. I had no other wish to ask for. I already got my miracle, my love.

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